Changes in the laws of Armenia
Last updated 21 Aug 2024
Starting September 1, 2024, amendments to “Automobile transport act” and “State duty act” will take effect.
A new type of passenger transportation will be introduced — non-regular transportation using an online platform (i.e. Yandex Go). The service and drivers will have new responsibilities. Let us explain you the details.
How the passenger transportation will be carried out
The driver is now considered a carrier and needs a patent to transport passengers using an online platform.
The patent is the driver’s right to carry out a non-regular passenger transportation services using an online platform. This right is implied by law specifically for driver being a carrier.
In order for it to come intro force, a state duty fee has to be paid to the budget — this is a percentage of the price of each trip. This is much simpler than obtaining a taxi license, which is required for street-hail rides. The patent is available in electronic format.
The driver is not required to pay for the patent: if the ride is completed via Yandex Go, the platform will be withholding and transferring the state fee to the budget.
For operating as an online platform Yandex Go will pay all applicable state fees and taxes as an Armenian company.
The platform will issue a receipt for each ride to the user in the app.
Therefore, if the ride is made through an online platform, the driver does not need a fiscal machine in the car — Yandex Go will issue the receipts.
How much is going to be the fee amount?
From September 1st:
· for non—cash orders via the platform — 1.5%
· for cash orders via the platform — 2%
From January 1, 2025:
· for non—cash orders via the platform — 2.5%
· for cash orders via the platform — 3.5%
From January 1, 2026:
· for non—cash orders via the platform — 4%
· for cash orders via the platform — 5%.
What is required of the driver to continue working
Drivers are only required to provide details of their INN (individual identification number). This is required to transfer the state fee for the patent to the budget, and in order for fiscal user receipts to be issued correctly.
Yandex Go will be able to request INN of drivers with Armenian citizenship from the state tax service — these drivers aren’t required to do extra activities with that. But if you want to receive and provide your data yourself, contact the state tax service before September 1st to obtain an INN, and then transfer the information to the service partner companies.
Drivers without Armenian citizenship have to obtain an INN on their own — please find below how to do that.
Where can I read the text of the new law acts?
Changes to the “State duty act”