What are ratings?
Last updated
16 Oct 2024
Ratings are how users assess your performance. After each delivery, users will give you a rating of 1 to 5. The average of these scores is calculated based on a formula that we will explain below.
Your rating will affect your access to orders. We want our users to be satisfied with the quality of the service. That’s why couriers with higher ratings earn additional priority points and receive more orders.
How are ratings calculated?
Your overall score is based on your last 150 ratings from users. The most recent ratings have the most impact on your score.
So, if you receive a low rating from a user, you can counteract it by successfully completing more orders and earning high ratings.
Ratings are updated every day.
How to track your rating
You can track your rating in your profile. To find it, click the button in the upper-right corner of the main screen in Yandex Pro. Your rating will be displayed on the right side under your name.
If your rating begins to drop, you will get a warning in Yandex Pro.
Why do ratings drop?
A courier’s rating will decrease if users are not satisfied with their performance. For example:
If the courier doesn’t deliver the package to the recipient’s door for a door-to-door order and the recipient has to go out to meet them
If the courier sets the order status to “Arrived”, “Package picked up”, or “Package delivered” too early
If the courier doesn’t answer the user’s phone calls
If the courier takes too long to deliver a package
If the courier is rude
How can I increase my rating?
Users typically rate couriers highly when they deliver orders on time, are polite, and fulfill the requests left in the comments.
Here are some tips on how to earn high ratings:
Remember to say hello and goodbye.
Address users politely.
Smile — your mood will affect the overall impression you give.
Read and follow the order comments. If it says “Do not ring the doorbell”, make sure to knock instead. There might be a sleeping child inside, and ringing the doorbell could wake them up.
Carry extra cash for change.
Make sure your phone is charged.
Dress sensibly — no sportswear or beachwear.
There is no need to start a conversation or make comments about something unrelated to the order. This will help you avoid wasting time and prevent accidental conflict.
Don’t ask the customer to give you a good rating. If you do everything correctly, the customer will most likely give you a good rating anyway.
What rating do I need to avoid losing access to orders?
Couriers who maintain a rating of 4.7 to 5 will receive orders. If your rating drops below 4.7, your access to orders will be restricted and the rate will be deactivated.
If your access to orders is restricted due to low ratings, you will need to reactivate the rate to continue receiving orders. Here’s how:
Go to the Rates section of your Yandex Pro profile and press the toggle button next to the applicable rate
Watch the training video
Take the test
If you successfully pass the test, your access will be temporarily restored for 6 months. During this time, you will need to complete 150 orders and increase your rating to 4.75 or higher.
If you continue to maintain a rating of 4.6 or lower during this time, your access to orders will be restricted again. You will be able to restore access after 6 months.
If you do not pass the test, your access to orders will be restricted for 6 months.